Pablo Molinero Fernández

Ph.D. student at the
Electrical Engineering department

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You can also read this in:








You can reach me by:


+1-(650)-723 1414 (work)


+1-(650)-725 6949


molinero _ AT _


Pablo Molinero Fernández
Gates Blg. (342)
Stanford University
CA 94305-9030

Here is an aerial picture of my house my house (and here, too) and my office (also here)





Here are some talks that I have given at different venues:



You can get some of the papers that I have published(or are planning to publish)




Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University



Double-degree Telecommunication Engineer between the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris and the


Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicanión
at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid




Licenciado in Physics from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia



Some links:

oCalendus the web-based calendaring system used at Stanford University. John Fan and I wrote it in 1998 as a hack for the student organizations of which we were members, but it grew up to become a system used by 200 Departments and student organizations, with more than 1500 subscribers to its email notification system. You can also see this snapshop of it in late 2000.
oIBERIA.- the Spanish Student Organization at Stanford, which I co-founded in 1998. It serves as link to all Spaniards at Stanford, and it also promotes Spanish culture and history at University and surounding areas.

If you want to know more about Spain

oSpain, naked
oAll you always wanted to know about the Spanish names and never dared to ask(aka why do Spaniards have such long family names)
oCity.Net Spain
oDiscover Spain with the spanish Tourist Office
oSpanish Ministery of Culture


If you want to know more about me

oMy Resumé


My home page in Paris:

At a WWW server in Stanford, or in Paris

Perhaps you might want to have a look at my brother's home page, who was with me at la cité de la lumière

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Page maintained by Pablo Molinero Fernández (only for humans)

Last modified: Fri Aug 29 06:15:43 PDT 2003

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