As part of the related research description I include some hyperlinks in the WWW space for two basic reasons; the information that they will contain will be updated, whereas the contents of this memoire will not. The second reasons relies in the in the concept of hypermedia, one hyperlink leads to several others, so that new information search points are given (what is certain is that you won't die of information starvation, but you might be suffocated by an information overload!!! Do you remember what was said in the introduction?)
The World-Wide Web is officially described as a "wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents"
[]. What the World-Wide Web (WWW, W3) project has done is to provide users on computer networks with a consistent means to access a variety of media in a simplified fashion. Using a popular software interface to the Web called Mosaic, the Web project has changed the way people view and create information - it has created the first true global hypermedia network. WWW hypertext documents are called pages and they can combine several types of data, but only text and still images are integrated with Mosaic, all other media (video, audio, etc) is "viewed" with an external application. They have pointers (hyperlinks) towards other pages in the Web.
- The following page at Geneva University is a very good starting point. It provides an extensive list of multimedia information resources that include FAQs, software, Media archives, research, conference announcements, bibliographies, standards, companies WWW home pages and virtual reality.
- This page from Microsoft is an introduction to commercial multimedia solutions. It compares the architectures adopted by Microsoft (Windows NT), Apple (QuickTime) and IBM (OS/2) to handle continuous media.
- Centre Universitaire d'Informatique (CUI), University of Geneva
The Object Systems Group (OSG) conducts research into object-oriented languages, systems and development methods under the direction of Prof. Dennis Tsichritzis (partly to be used for multimedia programming).
- This document at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) provides an extensive research on paper about Multimedia operating systems:
- These are directories where papers on specific OS can be found:
- There are several newsgroups in the internet that discuss topic related either with multimedia or with operating systems:
- JumpStation is a server with HREFerences to the information available on the World Wide Web. Users can query a large database of document information and are presented with a set of links relating to their query.
- The following research groups have a WWW page:Georgia Tech is carrying out reseach in this domain in its Graphics, Visualization & Usability (GVU) center:
and two interesting technical reports:
- University of California at San Diego (UCSD)
They are working on multimedia synchronization, file systems for digital video and audio, communication architectures, mm applications design (tele-conferencing, collaboration in multimedia). The following two hyperlinks contain papers of the UCSD.
- Multimedia Laboratory at Boston University: Like the UCSD they are working in different aspects of the multimedia. One can mention schynchronization and storage policies among many others.
- University of California at Berkeley (UCB)
The Berkeley Multimedia Research Group is doing research on software toolkits to develop continuous media (CM) applications, software compression/decompression (e.g., MPEG, wavelet, etc.), and CM applications. Video-on-demand (VOD) servers and desktop video conferencing are examples of CM applications. Three hyperlinks are listed
- Continuous Media File System (CMFS)
- Plateau Multimedia Project
- TENET Research Group is working on real-time QoS provision over high-speed networks:
- Lancaster University, U.K.
A list of the papers published by the Multimedia Reseach Group at Lancaster University is found here:
- Carnegie-Mellon University (CMU). Here you will find the technical reports of the CMU:
- MIT (Massachussetts Institute of technology)
- The Media Labs work more on multimedia applications and their influence in the society.
- Telemedia, Networks and Systems Group works on supports for the multimedia and multimedia applications.
- Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (GMD). Is a research organization in Germany. It is one of the leading research forces in multimedia in Germany. Others are TU Berlin, Siemens, RZ Stuttgart,...
This is a hyperlink towards the GMD Multimedia Forum:
- IBM's European Networking Center, Germany
- Interactive Multimedia Association (IMA)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
The ACM publishes journals and book, and organizes conferences on reseach topics that are the state of the art.
The following Special Interest Groups (SIG) work on diferent aspects of distributed multimedia applications and high-speed networking:
SIG Communications (SIGCOMM)
- SIG Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH)
This page at the Technical University of Graz, Austria, provides a searchable index for multimedia articles of the ACM SIGGRAPH group:
- SIG Multimedia (SIGMM)
- SIG Management of Data (SIGMOD)
- IDOMENEUS (multimedia research in Europe) stands for Information and Data on Open MEdia for NEtworks of USers, which is a ESPRIT project (No.6606)
The IDOM network aims at coordinating and improving European efforts in the development of next-generation information environments which will be capable of maintaining and communicating a largely extended class of information on an open set of media.
- Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for European Researchers (MICE)
- Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, (CWI), Amsterdam, The Nederlands.
They are developing multimedia aplications on the top of Amoeba.
- Multimedia Papers
- Multimedia Application Development Environment (MADE)
- Computer Systems & Telematics (CST) Department
Its research fields include:
- Transportable multimedia document specifications
- CWI Multimedia Interchange Format (CMIF)
- Dynamic, hyper-structured multimedia document generation
- MAnagement Games Utilities Support (MAGUS)
- Multimedia distributed operating systems
- Multimedia CoProcessor (MmCP)

Page maintained by Pablo Molinero Fernández (molinero _ AT _
Last modified: Thu Jun 30 19:01:58 1994