Hopefully, the ideas in this dissertation will serve as a useful foundation for the design and architecture of future networks, and they will encourage further research on the integration of circuit and packet switching. This approach will allow us to use all-optical switches that scale and can cope with the rapid growth of Internet traffic.
ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuits
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode
CDFCumulative Probability Function
CMOSComplementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
DiffServDifferentiated Services. RFC 2475
DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory
DSLDigital Subscriber Line. A broadband access technology that works over local phone loops
DWDMDense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
E[.]Expected value. Synonym for mean or average value
FCFSFirst Come, Fist Served, a scheduling discipline
FPGAField Programmable Gate Array
GMPLSGeneralized Multi-Protocol Label Swapping. Extension to MPLS that includes the use of circuits and wavelengths as paths
IntServIntegrated Services. RFC 1633
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol. RFC 792
IPInternet Protocol. A network protocol based on packet switching that is the basis for the Internet. RFC 791
ISPInternet Service Provider
LANLocal Area Network
MANMetropolitan Area Network
MEMSMicro-Electro-Mechanical System
M/GI/NQueueing system with one queue and N servers. Arrivals are Poisson, and service times are independent and follow any generic distribution
M/M/NQueueing system with one queue and N servers. Arrivals are Poisson, and service times are independent and follow an exponential distribution
MPLSMulti-Protocol Label Swapping. Protocol that associates paths to IP flows based on a label that is pre-pended to the packet. RFC 3031
OBSOptical Burst Switching
OC-XOptical Carrier. Specifies the SONET channel bandwidth in the optical domain. OC-1 = 51.85 Mbit/s
OC-XcOptical Carrier concatenated (as opposed to channelized)
OPSOptical Packet Switching
PDFProbability Density Function
PoPPoint of Presence
PrShProcessor Sharing, a scheduling discipline
QoSQuality of Service. Probabilistic measure that indicates whether the average delay, the delay jitter, the packet loss or the flow bandwidth are within a certain bounds
RAMRandom-Access Memory
RTTRound-Trip Time. Time it takes for a packet to go from the source to the destination and back
SDHSynchronous Digital Hierarchy
SJFShortest Job First, a scheduling discipline
SONETSynchronous Optical NETwork
SRAMStatic Random-Access Memory
STS-XSynchronous Transmission Structure. Specifies the SONET channel bandwidth in the electric domain. STS-1 = 51.85 Mbit/s
TCPTransmission Control Protocol. End-to-end transport protocol that is responsible for verifying the reliable delivery of data. RFC 793
TDMTime Division Multiplexing
TTLTime To Live. Field in the IP header that eliminates routing loops by limiting the life of a packet in the network
UDPUser Datagram Protocol. RFC 768
WANWide Area Network. Synonym for the backbone or Internet core
WDMWavelength Division Multiplexing
WFQWeighted Fair Queueing, a scheduling discipline