Consider the network architecture shown in Figure 5.1. The problem that arises now is how to accommodate traffic between boundary routers around the circuit-switched cloud. This issue can be decomposed in two parts: First, how much capacity is needed between boundary routers? (i.e., what is the traffic matrix between boundary routers?). Second, once we know this traffic matrix, how do we create the circuits that provide the required capacity?
The second question has been looked at by several researchers before. In some cases, it is regarded as a centralized optimization problem, in which the total throughput of the network needs to be maximized subject to constraints on link capacity and maximum flow rate. The problem is either solved using integer linear programming or some heuristic that achieves an approximate, but faster, solution [9,163,176]. The output of this centralized optimization problem is then distributed to the circuit switches. In other cases, researchers have treated the problem as an incremental problem in which each circuit request is routed individually as it arrives [169,8,13]. The circuit routing can be done at the source or hop-by-hop. Chapter 6 describes some of these signaling and routing protocols that have been proposed.
This chapter focuses on the first question, how to estimate the traffic matrix between boundary routers and then use the estimate to provision coarse-granularity circuits. Some researchers [9,163,120] have suggested that future traffic matrices can be predicted off-line using past observations. These researchers point out that traffic in the core of the network is smoother than at the edges and that it follows strong hourly and daily patterns that are easy to characterize, as shown in Figure 5.2. For example, traffic is affected by human activity and scheduled tasks, and so peak traffic occurs during work hours on weekdays, whereas at night and during weekends there is less traffic.
Nonetheless, this off-line prediction of the traffic matrix fails to forecast sudden changes in traffic due to external events, such as breaking news that creates flash crowds, a fiber cut that diverts traffic or the new version of a popular program that generates many downloads. Only an on-line estimation of the traffic matrix would be able to accommodate these sudden and unpredictable changes in traffic patterns.
This on-line estimation of traffic could be done in several ways. One of them is to monitor the aggregate packet traffic [79], either by observing the instantaneous link bandwidth or the queue sizes in the routers. While this approach does not require much hardware support and is easy to implement, it does not provide good information about the traffic trends. Packet arrivals present many short- and long-range dependencies that make both the instantaneous arrival rates and queue sizes fluctuate wildly. In contrast, I propose using another way of estimating the current traffic usage by monitoring user flows. It requires more hardware support, but, in exchange, user flows provide a traffic estimation that is more predictive and has less variation, at least for the circuit-creation latencies under consideration (1ms-1s), as we will see below.
Figure 5.3 gives a clear example of the fluctuations in the instantaneous arrival rate. The dots in the background denote the instantaneous link bandwidth over 1-ms time intervals. With so much noise, it is difficult to see any trends in the data rates. Thus, one could apply filters to smooth the signal. For example, the dark gray line in Figure 5.3 shows the moving average
R(t) = (1 - )R(t - t) +
r(t), where r(t) is the instantaneous measure, t is 1ms and
is 0.10. The figure also shows the instantaneous traffic rate over 100-ms intervals (light gray line) and the sum of the average bandwidth of the active flows (black line). The average bandwidth of a flow is the total number of bits that are transmitted divided by the flow duration. Of course, the flow average bandwidth is something that is not known when a flow starts, but I will explain below how to estimate an upper bound in the next section. One can see that the 100-ms bin size provides the signal with the least noise of all measures of traffic based on counting packets, but there are still many more fluctuations than in the measure based on the average bandwidth of active flows, from which the trends are much clearer. In brief, user flows provide more stable measurement than packets and queue sizes for time scales between 1ms and 1s.
User flows also provide an advance notice before major changes in bandwidth utilization occur. For example, we can see that in Figure 5.3 there is a sudden increase in traffic between times 21s and 46s (due to a single user flow whose only constraint was a 10-Mbit/s link). This traffic increase was predicted four seconds before it happened by observing the active flows. There are two reasons for this advance notice: first, an application may take some time to start sending data at full rate after it connected with its peer.5.2 Second, it takes several round-trip times for TCP connections to ramp up their rate to the available throughput because of the slow-start mechanism. In contrast, when we monitor the instantaneous arrival rate to estimate the traffic matrix, the filters that are applied to reduce the noise add some delay to the decision making of whether more capacity is needed. If the circuit creation mechanism already takes a long time, adding more delay in the traffic estimation makes the system react more slowly.