The presentations are in reverse chronological order and are a repository for distinct talks. Some miscellaneous talks
which are subsumed by the talks in this page are at Miscellaneous Presentations .
- Feel free to borrow and copy any of these slides.
Industry Presentations
- Sundar Iyer,
"Algorithmic Memory: An Order of Magnitude Increase in Next-Generation Embedded Memory Performance",
IBM STS Workship, New York, March 2013.
slides in pdf
Note: This talk is joint work with a number of colleagues at Memoir
- Sundar Iyer,
"Algorithmic Memory Increases Memory Performance By an Order of Magnitude",
ChipEx, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 2012.
slides in pdf
Note: This talk is joint work with a number of colleagues at Memoir
- Sundar Iyer,
"Analysing Internet Routers with Pigeons",
Cisco Systems, Technology Seminar, Jan. 2008
- Sundar Iyer,
"Caching Algorithms for Network Buffers",
Computer Architecture Seminar, Stanford University, Nov. 2005
- Sundar Iyer, S. Bhattacharyya, N. Taft, C. Diot,
"An Approach to Alleviate Link Overload as Observed on an IP Backbone",
Sprint ATL Retreat, Lake Tahoe, Mar 25, 2002.
- Sundar Iyer, S. Bhattacharyya, N. Taft, C. Diot,
"Some Observations towards Load Balancing over a Network",
Sprint ATL Retreat, San Francisco, Aug 16, 2001.
- Sundar Iyer, Ajit Shelat
"Requirements for a packet classification API",
Network Processor Forum (CPIX), Denver, Colorado, Mar. 2001.
- Sundar Iyer,
"Analysis of the Parallel Packet Switch Architecture",
(various venues)
- (Invited) Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay - Dec. 2001.
- SwitchOn Networks (India) - Sep. 1999.
Conference Presentations
Note that the Conference Presentations have a more 'professional' organization to them. The script in these presentations is just so that we say all the points that we want to talk about. Obviously we dont follow the script verbatim in the final talk. Note that slides in html do not always have the animations. To view animations in slides in html format, left click with the mouse on the
``An Approach to Alleviate Link Overload as Observed on an IP Backbone",
Sundar Iyer, Supratik Bhattacharrya, Nina Taft, Christophe Diot,
IEEE INFOCOM, San Francisco, USA, March 2003.
slides in ppt
- Sundar Iyer, Nick McKeown,
(Invited) ``Maximum Size Matchings and Input Queued Switches",
40th Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, October 4th 2002.
slides in ppt,
slides in html,
script in html,
script in doc.
- Sundar Iyer, Rui Zhang, Nick McKeown,
``Routers with a Single Stage of Buffering",
ACM SIGCOMM, Pittsburgh, Aug 23rd 2002.
slides in ppt,
slides in html,
script in html,
script in doc,
talk in windows media.
- Devavrat Shah, Sundar Iyer, Balaji Prabhakar, Nick McKeown,
``Analysis of a Statistics Counter Architecture",
IEEE Hot Interconnects, Stanford, Aug. 23rd 2001.
slides in ppt,
slides in html,
slides in pdf
- Sundar Iyer, Ramana Rao Kompella, Nick McKeown,
``Analysis of a Memory Architecture for Fast Packet Buffers",
IEEE - High Performance Switching and Routing, Dallas, Texas, May 2001.
slides in ppt,
slides in html
- Sundar Iyer, Nick McKeown,
``Making Parallel Packet Switches Practical",
INFOCOM 2001, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, April 2001.
slides in ppt,
slides in html/png format
- Sundar Iyer, Ramana Rao Kompella, Nick McKeown,
``Techniques for Fast Packet Buffers",
IEEE - GBN Workshop 2001, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, April 2001.
slides in ppt,
slides in pdf,
Abstract in ps,
Abstract in pdf,
script in Text,
script in doc
- Sundar Iyer, Ajay Desai, Ajay Tambe, Ajit Shelat,
``ClassiPI: A Classifier for Next Generation Content/Policy Based Switches.",
IEEE Hotchips, Stanford, USA. August 2000.
slides in ppt,
slides in html
- Sundar Iyer,
``Co-processors and the role of specialized hardware",
NETWORLD + INTEROP 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 2000.
slides in ppt,
slides in html script in txt,
script in doc
- Sundar Iyer, Amr A. Awadallah, Nick McKeown,
``Analysis of a Packet Switch with memories running slower than the line-rate",
INFOCOM 2000, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2000.
slides in ppt,
slides in html,
script in txt,
script in doc
Other Research Presentations
- Sundar Iyer, Da Chuang, Nick McKeown,
``Practical Algorithms for Performance Guarantees in Internet Routers",
Stanford University, January 30th 2003.
- Sundar Iyer, Nick McKeown,
``Analyzing CIOQ Switches using the Constraint Set Technique",
Stanford University, February 13th 2002.
slides in ppt
- Sundar Iyer, Nick McKeown,
``The Parallel Packet Switch: Analysis for the centralized multicast FCFS and PIFO
service disciplines",
Stanford University, November 1999.
slides in ppt
- Sundar Iyer, Nick McKeown,
``The Parallel Packet Switch: Analysis for the centralized PIFO service
Stanford University, October 1999.
slides in ppt